2025-03-03 | 查看: 10
姓 名 | 陈 昱 | |
职称(职级) | 教 授 | |
学历/学位 | 博士 | |
邮 箱 | cyu@ustc.edu.cn | |
主要研究方向 | 风险管理、网络风险分析 |
陈昱(Chen Yu),女,汉族,教授,博士生导师。
2000年9月-2006年7月 中国科学技术大学,概率论与数理统计 博士
1996年9月-2000年7月 中国科学技术大学,统计学 学士
带网络结构信息的多维时间序列建模方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目 2024.1-2027.12 项目主持人
基于极值理论的动态网络风险分析及风险传染机制研究, 国家社会科学基金年度项目 2022.6-2026.6 项目主持人
网络相依结构下金融风险度量及回溯检验研究与应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目 2018.1-2021.12 项目主持人
重大事故灾难次生衍生与多灾种耦合致灾机理与规律,科技部国家重点研发专项, 2016.6-2020.6 研究骨干
极值理论在风险理论中的应用研究, 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,2012.1-2015.12, 项目主持人
重尾场合下随机金融风险模型中的破产风险问题, 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目,2009.1-2011.12, 项目主持人
基于高斯随机场的复杂结构数据分析, 国家自然科学基金重点项目,2023.1-2027.12
抽样调查和蒙特卡洛方法中的随机比较, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2015-2018
复杂随机结构及其相关领域中的极限定理, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2007-2009
有误判或不完全基因数据的统计分析, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2007-2009
X. Guo, Y. Chen, C. Tang(2023) Information criteria for latent factor models: A study on factor pervasiveness and adaptivity. Journal of Econometrics,233: 237-250.
Z. Shen, Y. Chen*, R Shi (2022) Modeling tail index with autoregressive conditional Pareto model. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 458-466
Y. Chen, Z.Wang, Z. Zhang(2019), Mark to market value at risk. Journal of Econometrics, 208: 299-321.
J. Hu, X. Chen, Y Chen*, W. Zhang(2024). Joint Network Reconstruction and Community Detection from Rich but Noisy Data. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 33:501-514.
J. Hu, Y Chen, C. Leng, C. Tang*(2024)Applied regression analysis of correlations for correlated data, Annals of Applied Statisitcs, 18(1): 184-198.
X. Chen, J. Hu, Y. Chen*(2024) GBTM: Community detection and network reconstruction for noisy and time-evolving data, Information Sciences, 679,121069
S. Jin, L. Song,L. Shu, Gao,Y Chen*(2024) Systemic risk in Chinese interbank lending networks: insights from short-term and long-term lending data, Empirical Economics, 67: 2359 -2564
Y. Hu, Y Chen*, T. Mao* (2024). An Extreme Worst-Case Risk Measure by Expectile, Advances in Applied Probability, 56:1195-1214
L.Song, Y. Chen, B. Zhang, M. Zhu(2024). Inventory and financing decisions in cross-border e-commerce: The financing and information roles of a bonded warehouse. Expert Systems With Applications,238,121639
J. Xia, Y. Chen*, Xiao Guo(2024). Inference for high-dimensional linear models with locally stationary error processes, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 45:78-102.
X. Zhu, Y. Chen, J. Hu(2024), Estimation of Banded Time-Varying Precision Matrix Based on SCAD And Group Lasso, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,189:107849.
Hongfang Sun, Yu Chen*(2023). Extreme behaviors of the tail Gini-type variability measures, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 37, 928-942
Keqi Tan, Yu Chen*, Dan Chen (2023). A new risk measure MMVaR: properties and empirical research. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 36,2026-2045
T. Gong, W. Zhang*, Y. Chen(2023), Uncovering Block Structures in Large Rectangular Matrices, Journal of Multivariate Analysis,198, 105211
L. Shu, F. Lu, Y. Chen*(2023). Robust forecasting with scaled independent component analysis, Finance Research Letters, 51:1.3399
Y Chen, M. Ma, H. Sun*(2023) Statistical inference for extreme extremile in heavy -tailed heteroscedastic regression model, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, (111): Pages 142-162
Y. Chen*, Y. Gao, L. Shu *, X. Zhu (2023). Network effects on risk co-movements: A network quantile autoregression-based analysis. Finance Research Letters, 56:104070.
Xiao Chen, Yu Chen*, Xixu Hu. Network Vector Autoregressive Moving Average Model, Statistics and Its Interface, Volume 16 (2023) 593–615
K. Tan, Y. Chen*, P. Chen(2022). Modeling maxima with regime switching Frechet model. Journal of Risk,25(2), 1-19.
H. Sun, Y. Chen *, T. Hu. (2022) Statistical inference for tail-based cumulative residual entropy. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 103, 66-95
L. Shu, Y. Chen*, W. Zhang, X. Wang (2022 ), Spatial rank-based high dimensional change point detection via random integration. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 189:1-22
Y Chen , S. Jin, X . Wang(2021). Solvency contagion risk in the Chinese commercial banks' network. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 580: 126128
J Hu, Y Chen *, K Tan. (2021) Estimation Of High Conditional Tail Risk Based On Expectile Regression. ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA, 51(2), 539-570.
Y. Chen Y. Liao, Q. Zhang, W. Zhang(2021) Ruin probabilities for the phase type dual model perturbed by diffusion. Communications in Statistics Theory and Methods, 50(23): 5634 565
Y. Chen, J. Hu, W. Zhang(2020) Too Connected to Fail? Evidence from Chinese Financial Risk Spillover Network. China & World Economy, 28,78-100
张伟平,李叶蓁,陈昱*,汤琤咏(2023)时序相依数据的一种基于约束Cholesky 分解方法的简约Gauss copula 建模, 中国科学数学 ,05,777-790 http://engine.scichina.com/doi/10.1007/s11425-022-2040-4
C. Zhang, L. Xue*, Y Chen*, H. Lian, A. Qu(2025), Local signal detection on irregular domains with generalized varying coefficient models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, forthcoming, https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2024.2423972
L. Shu, Y. Hao, Y Chen*, Q. Yang* (2025). SFQRA: Scaled Factor-augmented Quantile Regression with Aggregation in Conditional Mean Forecasting ,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, forthcoming
X. Li, L.Shu. Y Chen*(2025) Factor-driven completion of tensor data with missing entries, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation
L. Song, Y Chen*(2025) Does a non-performing assets disposal fund help control systemic risk? Evidence from Chinese interbank financial network. Financial Innovation, 10.1186/s40854-024-00667-7 forthcoming
Y Chen, Z. Hu, J. Hu, L.Shu. (2025) Block structure-based covariance tensor decomposition for group identification in matrix variables, Statistics and Probability Letters, forthcoming. https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1jf-Xc8a~MPwV 216, 110251