
2024-02-29 | 查看: 1865

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2020.03-2024.08  韩国首尔国立大学农业与资源经济学专业经济学博士

2017.03-2019.02  韩国首尔国立大学农业与资源经济学专业经济学硕士

2009.09-2013.06  中国延边大学农林经济管理管理学学士


2024.09 至今     中国科学技术大学博士后

2021-2024.09     首尔国立大学韩国国家注册研究员

2022.06-2022.07   首尔大学国际暑期项目-气候变化与全球粮食安全(SNU International Summer Program-Climate Change and Global Food Security助教

2021.09-2021.12   国际发展与农业影响评价(Impact Evaluation of International Development and Agriculture助教

2021.07-2021.08   本科生培养计划(CALS Research Fellowship Program)助教

2019.03-2020.08   Shopee新加坡 & 首尔公司业务孵化团队Team Lead

2018.07-2018.08   韩国农村经济研究院(KREI) 北京事务所实习研究员




15.  中文论文(期刊论文)Core, JST, CSCD, WJCI, AMI

邹毓莹,全银华,AN Donghwan & IM Jeongbin. (2024). 论都市农业在城乡一体化发展中的重要意义——以韩国都市农业为鉴. 农业现代化研究. doi:10.13872/j.1000-0275.2024.0002.

- ZOU Yu-ying, QUAN Yin-hua, AN Donghwan, IM Jeongbin. (2024). Urban agricultures role in urban-rural integration: Lessons from Republic of Korea. Research of Agricultural Modernization.

14.  中文论文(期刊论文)Core, AMI

曹斌,全银华 & 柯宓. (2024).农业政策视阈下美国农业财政预算变化特征及其借鉴. 价格理论与实践. doi:10.19851/j.cnki.CN11-1010/F.2024.01.011.

Cao bin, Quan YinhuaKe mi. (2024) .The Change of The U.S. Agricultural Budget from An Agricultural Policy Perspective and Its Implications for China, Price Theory & Practice.

13.  中文论文(辑刊论文)

全银华& 赵世璐.(2023). 韩国促贸援助经验及其对中国的启示. 东亚评论(02),258-284+8. doi:CNKI:SUN:DYPL.0.2023-02-010.

- QUAN Yinhua, Zhao Shilu(2023). Experience of South Koreas Aid for Trade and Its Enlightenment to China. East Asia Review(02), 258-284+8.

12.  英文论文(期刊论文)SCI

Quan, Y.-H., & Im, J.-B. (2023). Exposure or pandemic effect: Export boom in instant noodles from South Korea during COVID-19. Food Science & Nutrition, 00, 117. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.3724

11.  中文论文(期刊论文)JST, CSSCI, AMI

全银华,LEE Seunghun,LIM Changsik,KIM Changgil & IM Jeongbin.(2023).韩国绿色种养循环农业发展概况与经验启示中国环境管理(03),93-100. doi:10.16868/j.cnki.1674-6252.2023.03.093.

- QUAN Yinhua, LEE Seunghun, LIM Changsik, KIM Changgil, IM Jeongbin(2023). Overview on the Development of Integrated Crop-Livestock Recycling Farming Systems in South Korea. Chinese Journal of Environmental Management(03),93-100.

10.  中文论文(期刊论文)JST, CSSCI, AMI

曹斌& 全银华.(2023).日本促进茶产业健康发展的政策措施和启示世界农业(03),22-32. doi:10.13856/j.cn11-1097/s.2023.03.002.

- CAO Bin, QUAN Yinhua(2023). The Policy Measures and Enlightenment for The Healthy Development Promotions of The Tea Industry in Japan. World Agriculture, (03): 22-23.

9.  中文论文(期刊论文)Core, JST, CSCD, WJCI, AMI

全银华& IM Jeongbin.(2023).美国农业安全网内容与特点及其对韩国和中国农业政策的启示农业现代化研究(01),10-20. doi:10.13872/j.1000-0275.2023.0010.

- QUAN Yinhua, IM Jeongbin(2023). The review of US farm safety net policies and their implications for the Republic of Korea and China. Research of Agricultural Modernization. 44(01), 10-20.

8.  中文论文(期刊论文)JST, CSSCI, AMI

全银华,柯宓,曹斌 & IM Jeongbin.(2023).发达国家和地区引进外籍农业劳动力的政策特点及启示——以欧盟、美国和韩国为例世界农业(01),44-56. doi:10.13856/j.cn11-1097/s.2023.01.004.

- QUAN Yinhua, KE Mi, CAO Bin, IM Jeongbin(2023). Policy Characteristics and Implications of Foreign Agricultural Labor Importation in Developed Countries and Regions——A Case Study of the European Union, the United States, and South Korea. World Agriculture, (01), 44-56.

7.  韩文论文(期刊论文)KCI

이승훈, 임창식, QUAN Yinhua, 김창길, 임정빈. (2022). 지역별 분뇨발생량과 농지 양분수지를 고려한 가축분뇨 처리 유형의 경제성 분석농업경영.정책연구, 49(4), 581-599.

- Seunghun Lee, Lim Changsik, QUAN Yinhua, Kim Chang-Gil, & Im Jeongbin (2022). Economic Evaluation of Manure Treatment Methods Considering Manure Output and Nutrient Balance by Regions. Korean Journal of Agricultural Management and Policy, 49(4), 581-599.

6.  英文论文(会议论文)2022 Korean Agricultural Economics Association

Yinhua Quan, Jeongbin Im (2022),Exposure Effect or Pandemic Effect: Export Boom in Instant Noodles from South Korea during COVID-19. Korean Society of Agricultural Economics. Available at: https://kaea1957.org/events/articles?mode=view&seqidx=1133

5.  英文论文(会议论文)2022 Korea’s Allied Economic Associations Annual Meeting

Yinhua Quan, Yeonsoo Lee, Jongwook Lee, Sangchul Yoon (2022), Estimating Heterogeneous Effect of Cataract Surgery on Household Expenditure in Rural Malawi. Korean Society of Agricultural Economics. Available at: https://www.kaea1957.org/events/articles?mode=view&seqidx=1109

4.  中文论文(期刊论文)AMI

全银华& IM Jeongbin.(2021).中国“入世”20年农产品贸易概况及农业谈判之变革动向海关与经贸研究(06),11-28. doi:CNKI:SUN:SHGU.0.2021-06-002.

- Yinhua Quan, Jeongbin IM (2021).20th Anniversary of China's Accession to The WTOOverview of Agricultural Trade and Reform Trends in Agricultural Negotiations, Journal of Custom and Trade, 42(6), 11-28.

3.  中文论文(期刊论文)AMI

全银华,KIM Miwha & IM Jeongbin.(2021).中日韩在WTOFTA体制下的农产品关税配额比较分析海关与经贸研究(04),109-124. doi:CNKI:SUN:SHGU.0.2021-04-009.

- Yinhua Quan, Miwha Kim, Jeongbin IM (2021). A Comparative Analysis on Agricultural Tariff Quotas of ChinaJapan and South Korea under WTO and FTA Frameworks. Journal of Custom and Trade, 42(4), 109-124.

2.  中文论文(期刊论文)JST, CSSCI, AMI

全银华,曹斌 & 任廷彬.(2021).中国进口农产品需求弹性研究——基于ARDL-ECM模型的实证分析. 世界农业(05),45-52+63. doi:10.13856/j.cn11-1097/s.2021.05.005.

- Yinhua Quan, Bin Cao, Jeongbin IM (2021). A Study on The Elasticities of Import Demand of Agro-food in China. World Agriculture, (05), 45-52+63.

1.  韩文论文(期刊论文)KCI

임정빈, 전은화. (2020). 중국의 WTO SPS 분쟁 사례 분석과 정책 시사점통상법률,(149), 10-50.

- Jeongbin Im, Yinhua Quan (2020). An Analysis of China's WTO SPS Disputes and Policy Implications. International Trade Law,(149), 10-50.


4. 2023年美国农业法修订趋势及影响分析 (2023년 미국 농업법 개정동향영향분석)韩国农林畜产食品部(농림축산식품부) 2023.12-2024.06   论文& 研究报告书  研究员

3.  开发地区/国家单位耕畜循环农业模式开发-R&D项目(지역/국가단위 경축순환모델 개발 R&D과제)韩国农林水产食品技术企划评价院(농림수산식품기술기획평가원)  2021.04.07.-2023.12.31   论文& 研究报告书  博士生研究员

2.  美国农民收入及经营稳定政策和农业预算支出结构对韩国农政的启示(미국의농가소득경영안정정책과농업예산지출구조가한국농정에주는시사점)韩国农业经济学会-农协经济支柱研究劳务报告书 (한국농업경제학회-농협경제지주 연구용역보고서)  2022.07-2022.11    研究报告书  研究助理

1.  海外主要国家TRQ等进口管理现状调查研究 (해외 주요국가 TRQ 등 수입관리 현황 조사 연구)韩国农林畜产食品部(농축림산식품부)  2020.10-2021.02.23    研究报告书   博士生研究员